circle back, there is much to see
Expansive movement, conjuring energy, and cyclical patterns are all qualities that are explored in circle back- there is much to see by choreographer and dancer, Kayla Gonzalez. Throughout the piece nine dancers reset moving through an intricate cycle, exploring different relationships, observing the space, and siphoning energy from each other in order to enter the environment with a clear intention. As she collaborated with her dancers she found that the essence of time, overlapping pathways, physical exhaustion due to constant repetition, and trust were present within the circular world that was organically unfolding. Just like cycles in life, this piece is an experience that will never happen again, while cycles may repeat the act of choice and circumstance will always allow something different.
did you see that?
Choreographed in collaboration with Emily Hooper. At its core this dance calls on the feeling of what it’s like to be back in a shared space moving and grooving in close proximity to other bodies. With this feeling in mind, the dance explores how energy can be siphoned from another body in the space and allowed to grow through physical contact, near contact, visual contact and unison. In terms of visual contact, we not only play with how our eyes connect us with one another but also with how they connect us to the audience by having moments of breaking the fourth wall and considering how we move differently when we are aware of audience attention and acknowledge that it is on us. Finally, the movement itself takes on fun, vibrant and very physical qualities while also thematically playing with interesting and specific shapes that create a new and powerful persona.
RECLAIMING is an exploration of the aspects of dance performance that we have not been able to experience throughout the last year. The movement is athletic, expansive, and invigorating. It was created to be filmed and performed in a stage like space to give the dancers a sense of performance. My goal is to create excitement and joy for both audience and dancers!